About Us

The defense industry is a large sector that covers the industrial business environment in general, in connection with the production of defense equipment and the provision of services, which are deemed necessary for the safety of countries. Therefore, industrialized countries are particularly interested in defense industry companies and benefit from the engineering forces of these companies. We, as YENTECH Engineering Defense Industry, have been working for more than 15 years with the aim of serving the various mechanical parts’ machining and welding that requires design. Our company provides service with its expert staff, machine park and wide product range in Aviation, Defense and Automotive sectors with its system that does not compromise on quality in a 1,500 m2 closed area and 1,700 m3 open area.


To develop new products by using existing resources effectively and efficiently, to make high quality, low cost production, to ensure the satisfaction of our customers by meeting their needs and expectations in time with our trained and experienced staff. To improve our products and services continuously and to increase their effectiveness with the

Strategic Plan, all applicable requirements of TS EN ISO 9001 and TS EN ISO 14001 Management Systems and in accordance with the current legislation.


YENTECH Engineering Defense is a continuously developing and eco-friendly company that focuses on natural resource use, separates its waste, complies with legal regulations, determines environmental goals and targets, establishes environmental dimensions and impacts, and controls the environmental impacts of its products after use


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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

